Financial Planning
Medical Insurance Planning
Our busy lifestyles often mean our health and well-being takes a back seat. But there’s no reason to let your healthcare coverage do the same.
Avallis Financial offers a comprehensive selection of healthcare insurance plans from established and reputable insurers. Whether its outpatient or inpatient-care, safeguard yourself and your family from rising medical or hospitalisation costs. A wide range of private hospitalisation plans and integrated shield plans are available to ensure that your hospitalisation coverage can be provided.
Long term disability due to the inability to perform the activities of daily living will result in additional step down care cost. Many underestimate the additional expenses and cost of long-term disability and how it can severely undermine the financial well-being of the family. Basic Eldershield and Eldershield supplements can be used to provide a long term stream of income to cater for such needs.
Find out how we can help you structure the right coverage that provides you the highest quality of available treatment within your means.