As a graduate fresh out of university, you will start off as an Independent Financial Advisory consultant.
Relevant certifications
You will need a licence to practise as a Financial Advisory Consultant, obtainable upon clearing the Capital Markets &/or Financial Advisory Services examinations.
Comprehensive mentoring and training programme
All new consultants are assigned to a manager, who will be your mentor. You will undergo a comprehensive two-week in-house training programme, followed by 90 days in the field, shadowing and participating in joint-work with your manager. This is part of our skills-building exercise where new consultants are given ample opportunities to put their skills to the test in real life. Weekly case reviews with your manager ensure that you receive insightful and relevant guidance to help you grow in expertise and experience.
Continuing education and industry sharing
You will get to attend weekly case study workshops, where new concepts, products and services will be discussed to keep you updated of the latest industry changes. Various financial planning scenarios are also presented for analysis and discussion at these workshops to encourage continuous learning across all advisory teams.
We strongly encourage our consultants to stay relevant and updated through attending the various industry conferences and upgrading themselves by attaining professional qualifications such as the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC).